Tips to take care of artifical jewelry and beautiful bracelet for gifting purpose

How to Take Care of Artificial Jewelry: Best 10 Tips to Keep Artificial Jewelry New

Have you ever reached for your favorite statement necklace only to find it dulled by tarnish? Or battled on how to take care of artificial jewelry at home? 

Fear not, fashion warriors! This guide is your secret weapon against the woes of artificial jewelry, ready to rescue your treasures from tarnish tribulations and restore them to gleaming, treasured trinkets.

Say goodbye to the heartbreak of once-vibrant pieces dimmed by neglect. With these simple yet effective steps, you can unlock the secrets to protect your artificial jewelry from tarnishing for years to come. So, let’s embark on a quest to banish the dreaded tarnish and unleash the sparkle hidden within your baubles!

How to Take Care of Artificial Jewelry at Home: A Step by Step Guide 

We all love artificial jewelry as it is affordable and can be matched with almost any outfit your wear. However, to take care of artificial jewelry at home can be confusing. What to do and what not to do?It can be overwhelming right?

Well, to ease your confusion, we have created a step-by-step to take care of your artificial jewelry. Follow these essential steps to keep your artificial jewelry radiant and prevent the ever-present threat of tarnish:

Step 1: Cleanliness is Queen 

Take Care of Artifical Jewelry by Washing

  • Pamper with Softness: Ditch harsh cleaners! Befriend a microfiber cloth or soft brush to gently whisk away dust and grime, restoring your jewelry’s natural vibrancy.
  • Soak & Shine: For stubborn dirt, create a lukewarm bath of mild dish soap or baby shampoo. Submerge your pieces for a few minutes, then rinse gently and dry thoroughly with a soft cloth.
  • Polished Perfection (for Metals): Give metal pieces a gentle buff with a jewelry polishing cloth to regain their lost luster. Remember, be gentle to avoid scratches!

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Step 2: How to Store Artificial Jewelry

Jewelry box

  • Tangle Tamers: Dedicate a special box or organizer with compartments to keep your treasures separated and untangled. Pouches and fabric-lined havens are ideal for individual piece protection.
  • Moisture Monsters Beware: Dampness is the enemy! Avoid storing your jewelry in bathrooms or near humidifiers. Opt for a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Zip-Lock Sanctuary: For extra protection against dust, moisture, and even oxidation (the culprit behind tarnish), individual zip-lock bags are your best friends.

Step 3: Smart Habits for Sparkling Success

How to Take Care of Artifical Jewelry

  • Lotion Last: Apply lotions and perfumes before adorning yourself to prevent discoloration and damage to your beloved pieces.
  • Poolside No-Nos: Chlorine and saltwater are jewelry’s kryptonite! Take off your accessories before hitting the beach or pool.
  • Sweat-Free Sparkle: Strenuous activities can be harsh on delicate pieces. Leave your jewelry at home when hitting the gym or going for a run.
  • Metal Matters: Know your materials! Costume jewelry with a brass base is prone to tarnish. A quick rub with lemon juice or tomato paste can work wonders.

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10 Tips to Take Care of Artificial Jewellery at Home

Now that you know how to do it, here are some extra 10 tips to take care of artificial jewelry at home.

  1. Broken Treasures? Don’t despair! Minor repairs with superglue or nail polish can breathe new life into old pieces, extending their lifespan.
  2. Repurpose with Panache: Broken necklaces can transform into funky bracelets or keychains. Get creative and let your inner magpie shine!
  3. Sunblock Shield: Avoid exposing your jewelry to prolonged sunlight, as it can fade the colors.
  4. Makeup Mischief: Be mindful of applying makeup near your jewelry to prevent staining.
  5. Travel Tales: When packing, wrap your pieces individually in soft tissue to prevent scratches and tangles.
  6. Chemical Caution: Avoid harsh chemicals like hairspray or cleaning products near your jewelry.
  7. Magnetic Marvels: Invest in jewelry boxes with magnetic closures to keep necklaces from tangling.
  8. Cleaning Cloths Care: Regularly wash your microfiber cloths and jewelry polishing cloths to maintain their effectiveness.
  9. Seasonal Storage: Rotate your jewelry collection seasonally to prevent pieces from being forgotten and neglected.
  10. Embrace the Joy: Most importantly, remember to enjoy your jewelry! Wear your favorite pieces with confidence and let them showcase your unique style.

Best Way to Take Care of Jewelry

By implementing these simple steps and bonus tips, you can transform your artificial jewelry collection from a tarnished wasteland into a treasure trove of sparkling splendor. With a little love and attention, your baubles will continue to add a touch of magic to your everyday life, bringing back memories and creating new ones with each dazzling smile they inspire. So go forth, conquer the tarnish, and let your inner jewelry goddess shine!

You can buy best quality artificial jewelry at Meraki Indian Jewelry.


    […] More: Artificial jewelry getting tarnished? Learn how to take care of artificial jewelry (Expert […]

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